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The LAST program you will ever need

1:1 Health and Fitness coaching that teaches you how to eat and exercise for REAL life.

Let me guess...this is where you're currently at:

❌You feel like your body has started to work against you as you get older


❌You feel frustrated as hell that you're doing everything right and the scale still won't move(honestly who even cares about the scale you just want to feel good in your body)

❌You throw in the towel the second you can't be perfect

❌You're ready for fat loss to STOP feeling like such an uphill battle

❌You crush it during the week…only to fall apart every weekend or when you're stressed

If this sounds like you…I’ve helped hundreds of women during my coaching career find solutions to these exact things.

I want to help you lose fat, build lean muscle, gain your confidence back while thinking about food less.


You don’t need another program that leaves you wondering if you’re doing the “right” things, takes up too much time or has you overthinking every social event.


My coaching methods are backed by science & psychology to give you the confidence & freedom to reach your goals AND enjoy your life.

Personalized 1:1 coaching built for you


I'm not giving you a cookie cutter template and telling you to "try harder" when you have a tough week.

My coaching process goes DEEP to help you understand what's held you back from being successful in the past and how to overcome those hurdles so that THIS time is different. 

NOTE: This is NOT another Woo Woo mindset program with journaling prompts.


This is backed by the science of behavior change and mindset to help you make changes that last. I’m certified in this stuff!

  • You're looking for a quick 30 day fix NOT sustainable fat loss

  • You're looking for help healing your gut(not my area of expertise and I focus on what I'm good at!)

  • You're only looking for macro coaching goes much deeper than this!

I'll be honest...I'm not the coach for everyone.
You aren't a good fit for my program if: 


Through years of working with women to help them lose fat and keep it off for good I've developed the AIMS coaching framework to ensure that this is the LAST health and fitness program you’ll ever need. It’s time to go deeper than calories, workouts and accountability.

Here's the exact process you can expect with my 1:1 online coaching:

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We start the coaching process with a big intake process to learn more about your current fitness routines, lifestyle, and behaviors. The first step to long term behavior change is awareness. Lets figure out what’s currently working and what’s NOT so that you can get to your goals more quickly.

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Based on your specific goals, we set up tailored nutrition and workout protocols. It’s not “just” tracking calories and strength training. We talk about all of the habits that will make STICKING with these protocols feel easier and make sure they integrate into your individual life.

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Phase 3: MINDSET

There’s a reason you haven’t reached your goals yet. It’s because having the “perfect” plan isn’t enough. Phase 3 is where we start to identify what’s held you back from being consistent in the past and start to use methods rooted in psychology to make sure these no longer hold you back in the future.

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Phase 4: SUSTAIN

You’ve built the foundation, you know WHAT you need to do, now it’s time to put this into action…and keep putting this into action. In phase 4 we continue to build the habits and bulletproof your mindset to ensure this isn’t just another 30 day fix but that truly…you’ll have these habits for life.



I signed up thinking I would need 1 or 2 months. A little nudge and then I could move on. I didn't realize how much I needed to unlearn and relearn. Your support, guidance, push, and accountability helped to change my way of thinking so that it is was less conscious and more innate. I have healed my bad relationship with food and now enjoy it all! The cycle of dieting and guilt is now over. WOW.....I need to repeat that in my head. Physically, I am the strongest I have ever been— K, 42

"I know I have done all the hard work but I’ve never been successful until I found you and was able to put the missing pieces together. The way you approach health and fitness as a lifestyle and actually living your life without being restrictive is really what has helped me succeed. Who knew that one random day while scrolling TikTok I would find you and my life would be forever changed. I am living my best life at the age of 46!  " - K, 46

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"You gave me SO much more than I ever thought I'd get out of this experience. Taking the leap in the beginning and financially investing in this was scary for me, but it truly is worth every penny. You offer support, guidance, friendship, encouragement and you CARE. Your heart really shines through in the way you coach, I felt so cared for during our entire time together and never felt stupid for asking questions. I knew you wanted me to succeed." - C, 30


"I finally feel like I can enjoy my favorite foods in moderation without overindulging the whole weekend after one treat" - L, 56

Ok Brooks I hear ya...but what's ACTUALLY included?

A personalized strength training & cardio program every month so that you can stop spinning your wheels wondering if you're doing the "right" workouts.

✅A custom nutrition plan so you have clarity on what & how much to eat to hit your goals in any situation.


✅Daily contact with me & weekly check-ins to hold you accountable when you need it most.

✅A strong focus on mindset, habit change & education so that this isn't just another quick fix. I want you building habits and working through the hurdles that have held you back from being successful in the past so you'll have these results forever.


Meet Your Coach

Hi I'm Brooks!

Here's the nerdy stuff:


I’m an ACE certified personal trainer and nutrition coach who has coached hundreds of women over the last 6 years.


I also hold certifications in:

🤰🏼Pre/postnatal fitness and nutrition

🧠Health Mindset and behavior change

💪🏻Strength training programming

But before I was a coach I was just like you...

I was perfect with my fitness goals all week…and then the weekend hit and I started downing chips/gauc/margs & late night pizza like they were going out of style.


I was working SO hard but the scale never changed & I couldn't understand what I was doing wrong. I lost & regained the same 10-15lbs 10+ times before I found a method that stuck.


I’ve been here before.

I want to help you get out of this cycle and FINALLY feel confident & comfortable in all your clothes without giving up your favorite foods & drinks.

What if instead of continuing to throw money at bandaid fixes you could invest in yourself ONE time…


Are you ready to change your life for GOOD?

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